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Friday, January 25, 2008

Is Vult-R Back?

Hello folks, this is Titanhunter, signing on Endless Online's most popular new blog, EO-Today News to keep you updated. Today was the day many people have been anticipating; the day when Vult-R finally came back onto EO. Whether it was just to make an announcement or to hold an event, the players and supporters of EO just wanted to see Vult-R take some action and change Endless Online for the better. Although he didn't really do much of anything, Vult-R started releasing people out of jail, which could be a good thing, or not (depending on how you look at it.) However, by taking some initiative, we are starting to see that Vult-R is rather serious when he says that he will try his best to make the overall game better. By quitting his job, he should definitely have more time to improve the serious issues and problems that EO is facing right now as a result of his leave of abscence. But who knows? Maybe EO's situation will become even worse; only time will tell. Anyway, this is Titanhunter, signing off on the entire EO community! Have a nice day!!!

Note: If you would like to discuss any questions or opinions that you may have about: this article, my website, EO in general, etc., feel free to post them and I'll get back to you w/ an answer or reply as soon as possible.

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