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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Long Time Friends Separate...

Hey all, this is Titanhunter giving you some unfortunate news. I know this was a while ago, but I feel obligated to share my point of view on this particular topic. As you all probably know, Avamay had made a post about Tucktucktuc and her getting scammed. Well, around the same time Wikky had also made a post on his blog ( about what he thought of the whole situation. He was pretty much bashing Avamay, but claimed to be stating his opinion and/or speaking his mind. Avamay and Nezlo then read the article, and responded by writing that it wasn't nice to say things like that and that a long, long-time friend shouldn't write hurtful comments like that. Apparently, Wikky had had "enough" and said that he was tired of all of this bickering and decided to leave their guild(PX). Now Wikky and Avamay(and Nezlo) have temporarily parted ways. I personally think that this is a bit silly, but also tragic because they were both very good friends and usually never acted in such a way towards each other. Wikky is a smart and witty guy. Avamay is a kind and respectful person. They often informed each other and gave each other great ideas. I just hope that they can eventually settle their differences and co-exist with one another. In the mean time I wish the best for both of them. This is Titanhunter, once again... signing out!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Avamay and Paypal...

Hello all, this is Titanhunter signing back on to give you some important imformation. If you haven't already heard, listen up. Recently, Avamay had been trying to sell EO gold via paypal because according to her she had "too much gold." If you're not familiar with Paypal, it gives you the ability to buy and sell products hassle-free. Well, one day while doing business with a customer named Tucktucktuc, something went "wrong". During the process of selling gold, Tuck sent a report to Paypal, claiming that Avamay had apparently "scammed" him. As a result of this, Avamay now owes Paypal $430 (although she didn't scam Tuck.) However, Paypal also gives you the other person's address and other relevant information, so Avamay can actually sue Tucktucktuc and get her money back. Avamay also mentioned that she has the transaction recorded on a video camera, so she has a substantial amount of evidence to defend her position. My words to Tucktucktuc, wrong move! You deserve whats coming to you. However, I am surprised at Avamay for not suspecting that these sorts of things would happen. My advice to anyone reading this would be to becareful with whom you deal with, especially if it involves money! This is Titanhunter, signing out.

Note: At the moment, Avamay isn't selling anymore Endless Online Gold. If you visit Avamay's Gold Centre (located on the side tab), it states that she is "out of gold".

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Same Old, Same Old...

Hello folks, this is Titan signing on EO-Today News for a brief update (first time in a while). On the Endless Online side of things, nothing much has really captured peoples' attention. I have been roaming around Endless Online lately, and have observed some things, which include:

  • Speeders/Spammers still infesting Endless Online. (This is just pathetic!)
  • A few protesters in and around the PK/Malone Outlet zone. (Good luck with that!)
  • Many "idiots" spamming global chat with junk like "Looking for people with webcams" or "The new EO version came out!" (Grow up and get a life!)
  • No major reforms, changes, or announcements yet from Vult-r. (Still waiting for his next move!)

P.S.- I have recently been suffering from a bad fever/cold, which is why I haven't posted in a while. I tried my best to get up and make this post 2 days ago, but it just wasn't happening. Now, I am well again, so expect more posts from me in the near future! This is Titan *cough* signing off!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Endless Speeding...

Greetings all, this is Titanhunter, signing back on to bring you some more important news! Well, we are just outside the Endless Online jail, which is being flooded at the moment with very angry players protesting against speeding. I stopped by for a few minutes here and there to get the latest feedback on anything new that might happen. I also interviewed a few people to get their opinion on the situation. Most of what I had heard varied from "Stop the Speeding" to "Vult, stop releasing the speeders!" If I were to choose sides, I would go on the protestors' side because speeding, in my opinion, is one of the major downfalls of EO that really needs to be fixed in order to keep Endless Online a unique and competitive game with a good reputation. Nowadays, you can't really train in an area without getting ks'ed(kill-stealed) by a numerous amount of speeders. Also, speeders tend to surround areas that drop a lot of rare and valuable items, which doesn't give the fair players an opportunity at a good drop. Another thing is, speeding drives away alot of the newer players, causing a decrease in the Endless Online community. I myself want Endless Online to become an excellent MMORPG (as I have said before), and not a low rated/structured game that it will eventually turn into if all of this speeding continues. Enough is enough! Well, this is all I have to say for today's edition of Eo-Today News. This is Titanhunter, signing off!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Is Vult-R Back?

Hello folks, this is Titanhunter, signing on Endless Online's most popular new blog, EO-Today News to keep you updated. Today was the day many people have been anticipating; the day when Vult-R finally came back onto EO. Whether it was just to make an announcement or to hold an event, the players and supporters of EO just wanted to see Vult-R take some action and change Endless Online for the better. Although he didn't really do much of anything, Vult-R started releasing people out of jail, which could be a good thing, or not (depending on how you look at it.) However, by taking some initiative, we are starting to see that Vult-R is rather serious when he says that he will try his best to make the overall game better. By quitting his job, he should definitely have more time to improve the serious issues and problems that EO is facing right now as a result of his leave of abscence. But who knows? Maybe EO's situation will become even worse; only time will tell. Anyway, this is Titanhunter, signing off on the entire EO community! Have a nice day!!!

Note: If you would like to discuss any questions or opinions that you may have about: this article, my website, EO in general, etc., feel free to post them and I'll get back to you w/ an answer or reply as soon as possible.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Hey all, this is Titan, signing back onto Eo-Today News to give all of you another important update! Today is a historical day for both Endless Online and one of EO's elite players. Medusa, the most experienced player in EO for as far back as I can remember, has just been passed by runner-up, Marlina. She (Marlina) has now reached level 82, overtaking Medusa by several hundred thousand experience points. This is special because no one has passed Medusa in a long time. Now, Marlina has broken an EO record by becoming only the fourth player and, coincidently, female to ever hold the title "Best player in EO". Congratulations to you Marlina, and good luck to you and your pursuit of level 100!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Price Check!!!

This is Titan, signing on for the third time today (I'm on a roll), giving you another important update. We just finsihed talking to the merchants from Aeven, Hallowdale, Anundo, and Centaur village. They were all willing to tell us what some of the valuable item's street prices were. They mentioned:
  • New Male Hero Plate= 10-15k
  • Baru= 380-420k
  • Oron= 60-70k
  • Lens of Truth= 55-65k
  • Frost Arrows= 90-100k
  • Archery=10-20k
  • Fire Arrows= 145-155k
  • Helmet of Darkness= 4-9k
  • Scav Bow= 350-400k
  • Saw Sword= 60-80k

Well, this is all they had time to discuss with us. As you can see, the low prices tend to match up with the relatively old items; and the high prices with the new items. I hope this update on prices was somewhat helpful and/or informative. This is Titanhunter, signing off.

Note: Do not get fooled by what others may tell you. For example, if someone tells you that a scav bow is 600k, you shouldn't trust them. You should always look up a reliable source, not just me, but other blogs/websites before purchasing any items you're not familiar with. (i.e.

Vult-R and EO

Hey all, this is Titan signing back on, providing you with some important breaking news. It is reported that Vult-R quit his job and is now dedicating most of his time to developing EO. Avamay has just finished talking with Vult, and has confirmed this to everyone. It is not yet known when he will log on, but when he does, he will probably announce his return to EO and his future plans for the game. The poll to the right asks for your opinion on this situation. The question is, what will Vult-R do next? The question is still unknown. Until we recieve further information, this is Titanhunter, once again, signing off.

My First Blog

Hi all! This is Titanhunter, reporting from the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) Endless Online. I myself am an avid player of the game, and despite some of the faults it has, I think this game has real potential. My objective in making this blog is to inform you weekly about the important events and happenings that occur in the world of EO. For example, I will tell you about:
  • Important Admin announcements/events/actions
  • New EO Version Updates
  • The constant price changes on the variety of items
  • Speeder/Spammer Warnings
  • Weekly blog review (Good/Bad)
  • Server crashes
  • Etc.

So, feel free to post any questions or comments pertaining to this, or, any general topics/issues concerning my website or Endless Online. Thanks for reading, there will be alot more to come in the future. Until then this is Titanhunter signing off!!!

If you would like to find out more about me (Titanhunter), check out my profile on the section to the right.