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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Endless Speeding...

Greetings all, this is Titanhunter, signing back on to bring you some more important news! Well, we are just outside the Endless Online jail, which is being flooded at the moment with very angry players protesting against speeding. I stopped by for a few minutes here and there to get the latest feedback on anything new that might happen. I also interviewed a few people to get their opinion on the situation. Most of what I had heard varied from "Stop the Speeding" to "Vult, stop releasing the speeders!" If I were to choose sides, I would go on the protestors' side because speeding, in my opinion, is one of the major downfalls of EO that really needs to be fixed in order to keep Endless Online a unique and competitive game with a good reputation. Nowadays, you can't really train in an area without getting ks'ed(kill-stealed) by a numerous amount of speeders. Also, speeders tend to surround areas that drop a lot of rare and valuable items, which doesn't give the fair players an opportunity at a good drop. Another thing is, speeding drives away alot of the newer players, causing a decrease in the Endless Online community. I myself want Endless Online to become an excellent MMORPG (as I have said before), and not a low rated/structured game that it will eventually turn into if all of this speeding continues. Enough is enough! Well, this is all I have to say for today's edition of Eo-Today News. This is Titanhunter, signing off!


Nez said...

Your blog has been added to my blog :)

Titanhunter said...

Thanks Nez.

Anonymous said...

I think speeding should be allowed in the game. It means that players are smart enough to not only figure out how to speed but to learn how to work the computer in was some don't even know about.

Unknown said...

And money. Thank God for instant loans! It is usually fast loans difficult to approach
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